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Selected publications on light

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Neer, R.M., Davis, T.R.A., Walcott, A., Koski, S., Schepis, P., Taylor, I., Thorington, L., and Wurtman, R.J.
Stimulation by artificial lighting of calcium absorption in elderly human subjects.
Nature, 229:255-257, 1971.
[PDF] , PID: 148, PK: 311, Admin
Wurtman, R.J.
The effects of light on the human body.
Sci. Am., 233(1):69-77, 1975.
[PDF] , PID: 286, PK: 312, Admin
Wurtman, R.J., and Neer, R.M.
Editorial: Good light and bad.
New Eng. J. Med., 282:394-395, 1970.
[PDF] , PID: 145, PK: 310, Admin